Compliments and Complaints Policy and Procedure
The D Foundation appreciate that complaints can take many different forms and that they vary in seriousness. Because of this, we will view any situation where we become aware of anyone feeling dissatisfied with any aspect of our service or delivery as a complaint. Equally, we are always delighted to hear about successes, and are pleased to receive compliments about our staff, products, resources or delivery services. This policy relates to external customers, which for the purposes of this procedure is volunteers, companies and customers who use our service.
In all instances we will try and resolve a complaint informally without going through the formal channels, however the process has been designed to ensure confidence in resolving any potential complaints to a satisfactory outcome for all parties. Should anyone wish to submit a complaint, they can do using the form in the Appendices. All complaints and compliments are monitored and fed back to relevant staff to help us improve services and to inform future policy.
We are always delighted to hear favourable views of our products or services. If customers have received an excellent experience, they are requested to inform Davide Wheller, Director who will pass on the comments to the relevant member of staff or department. If customers wish to write to us about favourable experience, we request the Customer Compliments form is completed and posted or e-mailed to the address on the form with the relevant information about your experience.
Complaints Procedure
The D Foundation is commitment to quality standards and strives to:
i. provide staff and volunteers with the best possible experience across the whole range of our activities
ii. respond swiftly to any expressions of dissatisfaction, concern, or apparent problems; we can resolve any difficulties informally and effectively
iii. acknowledge feedback about services or facilities in order to take remedial action and continually improve our standards of service
iv. monitor the types and numbers of complaints we receive to identify any problem areas
Stage 1
Complaints should initially be raised with the department or line manager. They will inform the Director who will speak directly to the complainant to resolve the complaint swiftly. We aim to contact within 48 working hours.
Stage 2
Completed Complaints Forms are sent to the Director and logged. The Senior Management Team will investigate the complaint and offer formal feedback. The complainant will be notified of the next stage and if any changes will be actioned as a result.
Stage 3
Should the complainant be dissatisfied with the outcome, they can contact the Director who will address their issues and manage and monitor the complaint until it is resolved.
Customers will receive updates and communications as the resolution is being further investigated and solutions to the resolve are found and accepted within the timescales shown in the summary below.
Any complaint will be handled in accordance with our internal complaints process. These govern the acknowledgement, investigation and response to complaints. The statement below provides an overview of these procedures:
• We will acknowledge in writing any complaint received by email or post.
• This acknowledgment will be made within five working days of receipt and will explain what we will do to resolve the complaint.
• We will follow this acknowledgement within four weeks with a report showing the action that the SMT has taken to resolve the complaint and, if necessary, prevent any reoccurrence.
• Our target is to resolve all complaints within four weeks. If we cannot do this, we will contact to explain why and give a deadline by which the complaint will be resolved.
Corrective and Preventive Actions
The D Foundation will take corrective action to prevent recurrence. These activities are done through the SMT, and changes identified in relevant procedures.
Complaints Log
All complaints will be logged within this document.
Policy Review
This document will be reviewed annually or whenever there is a change in statutory law or best practice.
Customer/Client Complaints Form
If you have reason to complain about our product or service, please download and complete the form at the link below, and e-mail to .
Customer/Client Compliments Form
We strive to offer the highest quality products and service. If we have met or exceeded your expectations and would like to comment, please complete this form and return it to .